Before visiting our office, please take the time to review the following information.
During your first visit, the exam of your choice will be completed. We appreciate the value of your time, and except for emergency situations, you can expect us to be on time for you. We will appreciate the same courtesy. We expect at least 48-hour advanced notice for appointment cancellation to allow us to schedule your reserved time to another patient in need.
If you have dental insurance, please bring your insurance card with you. If a card is not available please have all insurance information, such as provider name, address, subscriber ID number, etc.
Our new patient registration forms are available to download and fill out prior to your initial visit. If you don’t have access to the internet or a printer, please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete registration forms.
Should you have any questions about our practice, services, or policies please do not hesitate to contact our office. We look forward to your visit.