Call Today: (336) 372-8299 40 S. Grayson St., Sparta, NC 28675Email Us
Open Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30-5:00pm

Our experienced team excels in oral surgical procedures, and offers several sedation options to ensure the overall comfort and safety of our patients.

Oral surgical procedures encompass a wide array of procedures. Some more common procedures include implant placement, simple and surgical extractions, and fully impacted wisdom teeth extractions. We also specialize in bone grafting (rebuilding bone & preservation of bone after extractions), gum grafting, tori removal and pre-prosthetic surgery to prepare for dentures or similar. Another common procedure we perform are frenectomies, which can alleviate tongue ties or gum recession.

Surgery is much more comfortable to patients when performed under IV/Oral sedation or Nitrous Oxide, which is discussed in more detail below.

Sedation Options

SedationIV Sedation:

Sedation is a relaxed state whereby a patient is comfortable and minimally aware of their surroundings. It is very safe because the patient is breathing on their own and can respond to commands, and reflexes such as coughing remain intact. Yet at the same time, the patient feels drowsy and relaxed. Many times patients sleep through the entire sedation procedure. Those who do not, are usually relaxed enough to proceed.

Nitrous Oxide:

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, sweet-smelling gas. It is used as a mild anesthetic, often called laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask to help you relax. Nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas,” is one option your dentist may offer to help make you more comfortable during certain procedures.

Our pledge is to provide your family with beautiful, healthy smiles for a lifetime.

Call (336) 372-8299 now or click below to schedule your next appointment.

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    We’ve moved to 40 South Grayson Street. Come visit us at our new home!